This inaugural podcast, hosted by the American Maritime Partnership President, Mike Roberts, features Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments experts Bryan Clark and Tim Walton, who recently authored a new report titled, Strengthening the U.S. Defense Maritime Industrial Base: A Plan to Improve Maritime Industry’s Contribution to National Security.
This American Maritime Podcast was recorded just two weeks ago. It highlights key aspects of an important recent study exploring the contribution of the maritime industry to our nation’s security. These subjects were important before today’s novel coronavirus crisis, and will again be important after the crisis passes. Indeed, it is more clear now than ever that the maritime supply chain has a critical role to play in security, preparedness, and safety. The American maritime industry and the over 650,000 workers that support it are committed to keeping American businesses and communities safe and moving forward.
For a more dynamic experience, including graphics and charts, watch the video of the full podcast here.
About the American Maritime Podcast:
The American Maritime Podcast engages the leading voices in American maritime to discuss the leading issues about domestic shipping, waterways, shipbuilding, the men and women who make it all work, and many more topics. When you tune into the American Maritime Podcast, you may hear from government leaders, national security and transportation experts, industry leaders, and of course the many heroes of American maritime.
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