Ocean Freight Rates Declined Since 2008 Washington, DC - Economists from Boston based Reeve & Associates (Reeve) and Hawaii based TZ Economics have released a joint report, “The Impact of... read more →
Frontiers of Freedom recently published a new report, "The Jones Act Blocks China's Plan for Global Domination," authored by former U.S. Congressman Ernest Istook, a distinguished fellow with the policy... read more →
Report by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) highlights importance of the Jones Act to America’s Defense Maritime Industrial Base WASHINGTON — The Center for Strategic and Budgetary... read more →
20% of the national Jones Act economic impact comes from the eight Great Lakes states DETROIT — The American Maritime Partnership (AMP), the voice of the domestic maritime industry, today... read more →
CLEVELAND — The American Maritime Partnership (AMP), the voice of the domestic maritime industry, hosted a press conference earlier today at the Great Lakes Towing Company with Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur... read more →
SAN DIEGO — The American Maritime Partnership (AMP), the voice of the domestic maritime industry, and federal lawmakers, today announced California as the fourth largest domestic maritime state in the... read more →
Senator Cantwell Joins over 200 Maritime Industry Leaders in Celebrating the Domestic Maritime Impact on the State of Washington at the Seattle Maritime Festival Breakfast SEATTLE — Washington Senator Maria... read more →
Elected Officials Join Business Leaders to Announce Alaska as a Leading Maritime State JUNEAU, ALASKA — The Alaska Federal Delegation joined the American Maritime Partnership (AMP), the voice of the... read more →
Elected Officials Join Business Leaders to Announce Florida as Leading Maritime State TALLAHASSEE, FL. — Members of both political parties from around the state joined the Florida Maritime Partnership (FMP)... read more →
A comprehensive worldwide study finds domestic maritime cabotage laws are commonplace among UN member states Summary: Maritime cabotage laws govern the transportation of goods and people between two ports in... read more →