(Washington, DC) – The American Maritime Partnership today released the following statement praising the U.S. Merchant Marine evacuation of New York City on 9-11.
“As we reflect on the infamous events of eleven years ago and those who were lost, we also remember the selfless acts of the U.S. Merchant Marine to evacuate citizens in harm’s way in Lower Manhattan. The American maritime industry in New York and New Jersey – along with the assistance of U.S. Coast Guard, public safety, and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy personnel and vessels – engaged in the largest and safest evacuation of citizens in U.S. history.
“The quick response and skilled actions of maritime officers and crews on that day exemplified the values of perseverance and courage on which this country was founded and provided hope during the darkest hours of many Americans’ lives. Through their actions, America’s ferry operators, tugboat crews, passenger vessels, public sector workboats and pleasure craft exemplified the meaning of bravery and patriotism.”
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