By Jensen Werley
Jacksonville Business Journal
Jun 4, 2014, 4:08pm EDT
Florida ranks No. 2 in the nation for maritime jobs, just below Louisiana, according to a new study by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Transportation Institute and the American Maritime Partnership. The state has 52,140 domestic maritime jobs, which pump more than $9.6 billion annually into the Florida economy. Maritime worker income in the state equals more than $2.9 billion.
Among American states, Florida ranks seventh in per capita for domestic maritime jobs and seventh in shipbuilding-related jobs, which has a labor income of more than $1 billion annually.
The Jacksonville area and the 4th Congressional District has 9,670 jobs associated with the maritime industry, placing it third among U.S. Congressional Districts.
Florida is rare, the study said, in that it includes elements of all three of the major parts of the domestic maritime industry — vessel operating companies, ship construction yards and maritime industry workers.
The job ranking was a major discussion point at Wednesday’s Military to Maritime career fair, which drew hundreds of job seekers.
“Our industry is in a boom,” said Margaret Reasoner, managing director of marine personnel at Crowley Maritime. “We need mariners.”
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